Saturday 21 March 2015

In Response to a question about the best budget student vacations

As a student, money can be tight, and sometimes non-existent. With the costs of tuition, books, travels expenses, food, bored, etc. It can be difficult to ascertain a great student vacation could be something any student could afford. But, it is possible to go on a great vacation; a Student Vacation. So, I took it upon myself to help my fellow students out. I scowered the Internet looking for great deals, under $500 before taxes, just to see what I could get. And there was a lot.
Fig. 1:  My trip to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (photograph) by Nelson Norquay, 20 14, adapted, my Ipad

Upon a quick search on Expedia, the lowest price was $488.92 return, to go to Puerto Vallarta Mexico for a week (expedia, 2015). Also, doing another quick search of Priceline, I found a flight to Tampa Florida for $304.88 (Priceline, 2015). So, a little work, perseverance, and anyone can have an amazingly awesome best beach vacation. Pretty well every vacation provider has a “for student” discount section, where they will give the best deals. For any location be it the best beach vacations to some other best vacation spots

So, any more questions about best student vacations spot please feel free to leave a comment. And share your best student vacation experience.


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