Monday 2 March 2015

How to plan your next budget vacation

People have asked me on many occasions where can they go to start looking for the best deals on best beach vacations or Best vacation spots, etc and how can you compare best prices for best affordable vacations. I give them the same answers I give anyone: use multiple platforms

Fig. 1: Newspapers might become the thing of the past. (Photograph) By TechFate, 2015, Adapted,

As mentioned in the lead paragraph, when I’m asked how to plan for the best affordable vacation, I always say its best to use multiple platforms. I feel, this advice is key. I start with the newspapers. Its there, simple and I can browse at places in comfort of my home. I peruse the travel sections, see what catches my fancy, circle it, and make a note of it. Specifically the details I.e., price, location, duration and amenities. Then, I go online and look at great websites such as Trivago or Kyak. I try to find the same deals on these sites, I see what the flexibility rules are, what discounts I can get etc. Then, if I feel I need more info, ill go to Flight Central located in a mall near to me. After doing all three of these things, I can make a very informed decision and choice of where I want to go and what it will cost be.

What has your experience been like when researching best affordable vacations??

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