Friday 3 April 2015

What are your most recommend resorts for a special someone in Ontario Tourism?

A Resort is a place where people go on vacations.  If you were to close your eyes right now, as a student getting away from school stress, what is that one place that comes to mind?  Is it the…

Figure 6 (Sunday)

o   Beaches
o   Cottage 
o   Blue mountain 
o   Niagara Falls
o   Center Island
o   Concert

Would any of those above, be a place that you would take the special someone.  Your Answer may vary or it may not even be one of those written above.  Ontario Tourism has a lot to offer, many to count, but what you want to look for is not only the best place to take your special someone, but also a place where you both would have a good time, not only themselves.  Think of yourself, would you enjoy going there, if you had to go by yourself? 

If you are still having troubles, check out 10BEST blog site, where they share is the best places for date nights.  Just take a day trip in Ontario; any of these special places shared in the blog with a friend or family members so that you can try it out before the big night. 

Where is your favorite date night location in Ontario? 

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